Here is my tuppence worth.
First heard about yesterday morning from our landlady at our hotel, who had the contractors/FIA reps etc staying with her.
They said to her that as of yesterday morning, everything after the 15th of September had been cancelled at Donno. (She is going to be out of pocket in the thousands with cancelled events and bookings).
Having been a regular at AGM's over the years, Nat Day can make or break the club.
I personally have managed to re-arrange our hotel booking but........
I have a family wedding in the North of Scotland on the Friday and have hired a people carrier to take family members. I will have to drop them all off on the Saturday and return the hire car. Then get ready to travel the 4-5 hour drive to Donno from Glasgow.
We normally stay on the Sunday night and travel home Monday as a group, but the other half is going on Jury Duty on the Monday morning.
I feel really sorry for the people who are not are so fortunate as me as with the date (with a little bit of effort).
But at the end of the day, the paying public and members, are coming to see your cars and theirs.
Don't be a Martyr for something that is out of the clubs hands!
First heard about yesterday morning from our landlady at our hotel, who had the contractors/FIA reps etc staying with her.
They said to her that as of yesterday morning, everything after the 15th of September had been cancelled at Donno. (She is going to be out of pocket in the thousands with cancelled events and bookings).
Having been a regular at AGM's over the years, Nat Day can make or break the club.
I personally have managed to re-arrange our hotel booking but........
I have a family wedding in the North of Scotland on the Friday and have hired a people carrier to take family members. I will have to drop them all off on the Saturday and return the hire car. Then get ready to travel the 4-5 hour drive to Donno from Glasgow.

We normally stay on the Sunday night and travel home Monday as a group, but the other half is going on Jury Duty on the Monday morning.

I feel really sorry for the people who are not are so fortunate as me as with the date (with a little bit of effort).
But at the end of the day, the paying public and members, are coming to see your cars and theirs.
Don't be a Martyr for something that is out of the clubs hands!
