saw this on another forum, made me feel really sad. Imagine owning something like that from new, it must have been his absolute pride and joy, and then some scum just takes it away
I used to live round by there and to be fair it has been bad for car thefts for at least the last 20 years or so, evenings used to be punctuated with sirens and the noise of the police helicopter!
One day I came out of work to find THE most prolific car thief bar non leaning on the back of my MK5 2000 talking to a lad from the unit next door , instant thought was to smack him one but then reason took hold and I introduced myself to him as I thought better to know your enemy than p*5s him off and have the car dissapear for certain.
I really feel for this bloke though, 35 years of ownership can never be replaced or have a value put on it, lets keep our fingers crossed that he gets it back but I doubt that car will surface in one piece now.
Push everything to the limit
if it breaks it wasn't strong enough
rebuild it and try again !