right, i know it will never be the arched menace id always love. but im having a few inspiration problems as to where to take her. ive thought about taking the chrome off, but decided against it, cos it dont look all that bad
, ive also thought about giving her the "suttle rally" look, i.e tidy black flaps, minilites, etc. but seems a shame to keep the original ghia look (i.e, top of the range) i thought about keeping her completely standard, but it doesnt have that evil menace look i want :cherry: :cherry:
anyone got some good 4 door pics then?
oh, a pic of mine btw, not a very good phjoto, as took with the phone :cyclops:

anyone got some good 4 door pics then?
oh, a pic of mine btw, not a very good phjoto, as took with the phone :cyclops:
