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FOTA rule

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  • FOTA rule

    I wish the FOTA teams all the best for the future with their new break away series. I personally feel that the rules and amendments should have been set and regulated by the constructors/teams and not by a governing body. I also think that revenues generated be divided between the teams and race circuits involved in the series and not into the pockets of greedy empire builders.
    This current situation with the FIA and their arrogance and inflexibility reminds me of 1986 when they would not listen to the group B drivers and teams to change the rules and format of events, and we all know what happened in Corsica shortly afterwards.
    Anyone else have any views or comments about this?

  • #2

    I see that the FIA have aready served notice on the FOTA teams .So I see problems ahead as Max will want to retain full control off all of the teams,and this looks like he is losing control of them.
    Lots of tracks will be willing to put on the "Alternate Formule Uno",as they all need to make money from staging events.Where will Bernie feature in all of this too ,because he will have a need to elbow in on the act


    • #3
      after the last couple of years with all the shite, you'd have thought that there would be a few years of calmness on both sides -

      still cant get over the fact ferrari had that opt out on things - for me at least the renault wins were moral and justified -

      and as with my post about B.E. - i truly think hes lost the plot - theyve made millions out of the sport and havent given anything back - a few good articles in autosport this week for a change about the situation -

      and as for mosley, we all once thought balestre wanted to rule the roost -

      F1 is a laughing stock at the mo -

