Nasty people around. They will get there come-uppence, probably be riding your bike and fall under a waggon?
You just know they are thick and will ride past my home, will just keep an eye out and inform local bobby if seen as I don't wish any harm to come to them
cheers for the kind comments lads.
The press is blaming most of the crime on the down turn and people needing the cash.
Sorry its the same lazy work shy dole sponge scum-bags that is doing this as most of joe public wouldn't even think about turning to crime but would try and find other means of legal work.
As for people blaming "pikeys", I have a good idea who took my bike and its the White English Male in his early to mid 20's who hasn't done a days work in his life but will I be able to prove it was him and his mates....NO I won't.
Life goes on and us the legal above board joe public just keeps on paying, as for moving well why should I, will beef up the secruity on the RS but all we can do is make sure all our cars and homes are insured and do our best in keeping everything locked.
Role on the Lakes as I need a good weekend away with the lads in a field under a tent with beer
cheers for the kind comments lads.
The press is blaming most of the crime on the down turn and people needing the cash.
Sorry its the same lazy work shy dole sponge scum-bags that is doing this as most of joe public wouldn't even think about turning to crime but would try and find other means of legal work.
As for people blaming "pikeys", I have a good idea who took my bike and its the White English Male in his early to mid 20's who hasn't done a days work in his life but will I be able to prove it was him and his mates....NO I won't.
Life goes on and us the legal above board joe public just keeps on paying, as for moving well why should I, will beef up the secruity on the RS but all we can do is make sure all our cars and homes are insured and do our best in keeping everything locked.
Role on the Lakes as I need a good weekend away with the lads in a field under a tent with beer
sorry to hear that mate totally agree with what you say you sometimes wonder if it pays to be honest
yep I have looked into this but garage has no power and is about 50 meters away from my home.
Looking into other forms of tracking and online stuff but most is mega £££'s.