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Been offered an MOT station - BUT !
Dave if things are ok the way they are and you are having a life, using your car, getting out and about, no overdraft etc etc, then stick with what you have. Look at the bigger picture, if taking the station on is not going to improve your lifestyle dramatically my opinion is dont do it ! Thats the one and only reason you should take it on IF it is going to benefit you personally.
good luck and go for it! can you keep the car and use it as collateral? chances dont come up very often but when they do you have to grab em or else its what if and if only.if it doesn`t work out just dust yourself down and start again.
Have decided to go at this another way
Equipment costs are too high off the existing "owner"
Have told him I not interested in his equipment
Today he has had the equipment moved and is emptying the unit for the end of this month
I am now in negotiation with equipment suppliers for quotes to have my own equipment installed and "passed off" by VOSA in my own right as an MOT station
As I am with the same landlord anyway he is amicable as he still gonna get rent etc
Looks like I gonna need £17k - £20k tops and doors of my own MOT are open for business
Looks promising but my bank is still being an a-hole (RBS-Natwest) as they obviously have some ex-employee's pension to pay
Looking better all the Dave.
If you're buying new equipment your equipment suppliers should be fit to sort you out finance or put you in touch with a 3rd party finance house.
Quite often at a lower rate than the banks!We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland
Originally posted by Andyc View Post
try a different bank Dave if the books are ok from the garage they should be fine or remorgage the house
C'mon Andy the locals by me dont have books - lol
Originally posted by pushrod View Post
Looking better all the Dave.
If you're buying new equipment your equipment suppliers should be fit to sort you out finance or put you in touch with a 3rd party finance house.
Quite often at a lower rate than the banks!
But still accepted by VOSA
So can I have 400 pre-paid MOT's @ £50 each please and I am ready to go - lol lol lol
dave get friendly with your local rac man(a few round your way) and see if you can go on the rac garage network of preferred garages, that way the local patrols will bring any thing that cant be fixed at the roadside to you so should generate a few jobs a week easily.