Please ensure you put any posts/threads etc in the correct sections
ALL adverts must include an asking price
Whats it worth or make me an offer threads are NOT allowed
Any adverts or posts "moved/deleted" will automatically alter a members status to "all your threads and posts will be moderated until further notice"
This means until the content of that users future posts or threads have been verified it will not appear on the BB !
I must stress this is not happening too often thankfully but there are not many rules on here so please abide by them.
ALL adverts must include an asking price
Whats it worth or make me an offer threads are NOT allowed
Any adverts or posts "moved/deleted" will automatically alter a members status to "all your threads and posts will be moderated until further notice"
This means until the content of that users future posts or threads have been verified it will not appear on the BB !
I must stress this is not happening too often thankfully but there are not many rules on here so please abide by them.