how the hell can jobs be given to overseas workers when there are large amounts of unskilled workers on the dole in this country.
Makes my **** boil and i think if the government dosernt step in and sort it then will have large numbers of the british will come out in behind it with them.
We are not taking about asylum seekers already over hear being offered low paid jobs thus taking jobs from those who have lived hear all their lives but acutally getting people from overseas, if there was a skills shortage in this area then fair enough.
Not a political or rasist rant just someone who is ****ed of with the way we are being treated in this country.
You try and do this to any other work force in europe and there would be a riot, the italians never give overseas contracts thus protecting there own jobs and if we were french we would be burning sheep and blocking ports by now - maybe its time we stood up and told these idiots and burecrats who run this counrty to **** off
well said vinny, totally agree don't think many other countries would do the same as us
..... if we were french we would be burning sheep and blocking ports by now ......
.... or running refineries (TOTAL) in Britain which give the employment to the area in the first place
Wasn't it a certain strong pro-British "don't need the foreigners" politician*, together with the help of striking protesters, who destroyed every British manufacturing industry from motorbikes to airplanes thus making British employment completely dependent on foreign companies anyway?
.... or running refineries (TOTAL) in Britain which give the employment to the area in the first place
Wasn't it a certain strong pro-British "don't need the foreigners" politician*, together with the help of striking protesters, who destroyed every British manufacturing industry from motorbikes to airplanes thus making British employment completely dependent on foreign companies anyway?
* M.Thatcher for the young 'uns here
The point i was making das is that these areas are in high unemployemnt blackspots so the government should ensure that any jobs going are taken by people (with the correct skills) who who will be putting it back into the economy in the long run and thus being less of a buden on the welfare state.
I have no problem employing over seas people in the areas where there are a skills shortage i.e doctors etc but we must draw the line somewhere.
TBH Vinny, you're post is pretty level headed and I understand what you're saying. The big picture is a bit different though.
BMW thought they could turn Rover around and, despite all the hype in UK at the time, sunk tens of millions into Rover. Everytime they wanted to make it more "German" (=efficient and profit-making) the unions and shop stewards turned up with british-this, british-that, not here m8 etc., until BMW had no choice other than to pull the plug.
Westland Helicopters was originally in the European NH90 helicopter programme. Thatcher pulled the plug when she cut the ties to Europe so that she could join up with Ronnie Reagan and the US helicopter industry. What happened? US deal flopped, Westlands went down the tubes, got bought by Italian industry and are now back in the NH90 programme, but at a subcontractor level and owned by an Italian company.
Believe me, TOTAL is not a benevolent organisation. A few more wildcat strikes and they'll pull the plug too. What will that do for unemployment in the area? BTW, TOTAL say they WERE skills not available in the area. Anyone know the facts, or is it all Sun Headline Lynch Jsutice?
The deal was done when "Our Tony" said his declared aim to get Britain on its feet (after all the industry and crown jewels had been given away) was to make Britain the service and support country for Europe. This means cheap wages and a subserviant work force employed by foreign investors. Under those circumstances you just cannot dictate the conditions.
Very fustrating to see all the overseas workers.
Problem is that when times are tight and margins small you just won't get British people to work long hours for little money. So in the farming community it's either cheap foreign labour or sell up.
Also if you blocked oversea workers coming in then you would also have to bring back all the Brits working abroad. Don't know the figures myself but I would strongly suspect that we export more workers than we bring in.
i think ill have a rant too! half the problem with this country is that in the past few years its been so easy to get finance and 100% mortgages and live beyond your means, years ago if you wanted a better car or house you worked harder, now you just get into debt, then that creates another problem cos what happens when things get tight? most english people are living beyond their means and cant afford to take low paid jobs, so whos gonna do them? im all for shut the ports and stop immigrants putting a strain on our resources but lets be honest if you only want factory responsibility and to work 9-5 5 days a week with very little effort then you cant have the nice house and 2 cars....or stay in your 2 bed terrace and your 500 quid astra and take the low paid jobs were giving to immigrants...its not that hard this living business we just make it hard!!