lent myold fella the van yesterday, high quality, great pait job, well looked after etc
after an hour he phoned to tell me the cam belt had snapped, panic stations!!!
having spoke to custom, very helpful, thanks dave, its not true what they say about you, we removed the rocker cover to find NO broken rocker arms and NO bent push rods.
on closer inspection i found the belt hadnt in fact snapped but two of the teeth had broken off causing the belt to slip rather than snapp.
so going up there shortly to retime, and runn up, fingers crossed weve got off lightly

after an hour he phoned to tell me the cam belt had snapped, panic stations!!!
having spoke to custom, very helpful, thanks dave, its not true what they say about you, we removed the rocker cover to find NO broken rocker arms and NO bent push rods.
on closer inspection i found the belt hadnt in fact snapped but two of the teeth had broken off causing the belt to slip rather than snapp.
so going up there shortly to retime, and runn up, fingers crossed weve got off lightly
