sigpic 2.1 ATMO YB POWER .
Tick tock goes the clock and the clock don't lie .
12.4sec to 109mph With NO turbo , NO gay trailer , NO slicks , NO gas , NO race fuel and NO bits missing . Beat that !!!!
that is a FoMoCo official press picture and i was given two in A3 size back in 1984, then in 1989 i went to Ari's house in Marlow and he signed them both in the righthand bottom corner (and a few others).
I did not just turn up though, and asked if i could pop in when i was next in the area as i was working in the maidstone area a lot then.
Ari was doing Dakar and the like when he signed it and Escorts were a thing of the past, he was quite amused why i did not bring a more modern picture (peugeot, Ascona, etc)