You lot want to try being a forest fan from derby Ive had my fair share of stick over the years...And I will admit i was a glory hunter supporter from the age of 8 in 78 when forest were the champions
why does you all hate man utd is it cause they've been winning all those trophies all those years ,ok so ronaldo is a cheat but he still has class,but you cannt take it away from the beckham ,scholes era when the team were really young I think and still think that Alex Ferguson is a really good manager and for all your bitching and sniping you guys would love to have him as a manger ,jealousy is a dangerous thing ,i remember in the 70s till 80s when we were delighted when we won two games in a row ,simple thing everybody hates a winner
iam a die hard chelsea fan but realy today the best team won
and at the end of the day the mangers takes pops at each other steady,but i dont think anyone can dout the sir alex has to be 1 of the best if not the best mangers the the english league has seen and his record of trophy wins prove for the players diving all the time this never realy was in the game till all the foregin players came to the league, i remember when klinsman came to spurs the uproar at the diving,but wot realy gets to me is that all these players that dive are realy great players(world class) so why do they do itwhen you go back to the 70s and 80s when forest and liverpool and aston villa where taking the european football by storm there was a limit on foregin players and that meant scottish,irish,and welsh players as foregin players and the tackles where hard and mean and the players got up and on with it now adays a player gets touched there down like a bag of shite and getn payed bags of money, it realy gets to me watching these so called role models for kids rolling about the pitch like they have been shot 40 times.its time the FA tightend down on this and lets see again wot made british football great and ajoy to watch
sorry thats my rant over lol