I used to be a database programmer (amazingly as boring as it sounds) for two years when I left uni, then decided that I wanted to enjoy my job for the next 40+ years and have been a web designer for about 3 months now - and I love it. Can make a nice bit of cash on the side too...
i am an avionics technician, working on military aircraft on the south coast, no im not a serviceman!! i too create weapons of moderate destruction, having fitted army lynx with various tank busting gizmo's including TITOW & FETWES. plus lots of top secret stuff for all the rough lot, where brian lives! but am currently on navy variants. so i fix choppers up to blow ships out the water in all weathers too! bloody marvellous!!
Started my trade in 1995 as Electrical/Mechanical Technician for Ford Motor Co. but they are using me now as a fitter and i was moved from Bridgend Engine Plant, to Swansea Axle plant in 1999 and then the plant changed to Visteon, tucked up!! but still hold Ford contract, thats about it..