not sure if its genuine, tho its says it is a 1300 sport
Cheers, Snigger, Does look like a standard car though made to look like one as it still has it's chrome trimmings...Sports had black trimmings. Never know though, will check the reg to see what comes back. 1600 four doors were all early cars as well so this one is probably a look a like.
Cheers, Snigger, Does look like a standard car though made to look like one as it still has it's chrome trimmings...Sports had black trimmings. Never know though, will check the reg to see what comes back.
yeh too many things dont add up
MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50
Know of an N reg Orange 1600 Sport near to me , its in pretty poor shape and heard that a mint 4 door shell has been obtained to reshell it , have known the car for over 25 years and it is original but rotten , cheeRS Wullie
Malasia had the 1.3 4 door sport, the MK2 Escort 1300GT was available from 1978-1980 when it was upgraded to the 1300GT Sport. The 1300 GT used the same 4 door body as the 1600 Ghia. (square head lights)The 1300 GT was upgraded to look more sporty in 1980 and was called the 1300GT Sport.The upgrade cosist of a new grill without the chrome trimming and was fitted with the oval Ford logo, new rubber trimmings on the front and rear chrome bumpers, boot spoiler, 1300 sport striping, 1600 sport wheels, new two spoke steering wheel,houndstooth fabric trim and was fitted with an aircon system as standard equipment. I read this in the Sporting Ford Escorts by Graham Brooks (I think)