**** funny that brian, i can however sympathise as i was there only a couple of years back, excruciating pain that caused me to vomit!! couldnt get comfy shouting and screaming etc, rushed to hospital with suspected burst appendix, greased finger up my arse later and no it wasnt my appendix, so i ****ed in a beaker and they too found traces of claret!! 5 days in hospital followed ( inclusive of a birthday ) they were about to let me home for my birthday when another dose of pain - they call it renal cholic - kicked in, they ended up giving me morphine, although it didnt help too much. i ****ed it out a week later, i have a photo somewhere but i cant find it, jaggedy thing it was, 6mm long!!!! you are allowed to **** them upto 7mm or they have to go in and fetch them!!
apparently 1 in 10 people have them, and 1 in a 1000 suffer from the pain which is caused when the stone moves and blocks the tubes up, kidneys arent supposed to work under back pressure, so it dont matter if you have a big one or a small one, the pain is just as bad.