Originally posted by Dave1800BDA
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Lets apply this to your Red popster as it is a priceless piece of Mister history.
But lets say you are ready to hand the car over for £60k
The deal is almost done but I jump in with £75k (yeah right - lol)
Your original buyer say sod off I will give you £100k
Final Sale price (as in the world of Ebay etc) ends up at £125k as another Wannabee Mister out bids us all (I think this is called Sniper Bidding - or open cheque book buying)
Then the new Red Pop owner wants a valuation based on his expenditure of £125k.
As far as I am concerned for INSURANCE VALUATION purposes he can prove his expenditure so therefore he can have that valuation
His insurance premiums will be based on the £125k figure and his insurance company will have the final say on how much they will pay in the event of a claim.
But if you asked me for a Commercial Valuation of the Red Pop then I would have to say based on known recent purchases of 18's the market could sustain a valuation of £45 - £50k as it is such a rare car with excellent provenance.
Money may not be able to buy you love but enough of it will get you most other things needed to build a MKII RS Escort