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A dilemma....

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  • A dilemma....

    I use a local garage to do some work to my car.

    I've found them fine so far, and they were recommended by a friend whom I trust absolutely.

    I dropped the car down early this morning for some routine bits and pieces, and a tiny bit of painting. The garage is on my route into the City, and, as a result, I passed by 3 times today:-

    1/. Car was outside at 11a.m. but had been turned to face the other direction.
    2/. Car was parked 250 yards up the road @ 4.30p.m. Puzzling?
    3/. Car was being driven by the owner of the garage @ 7.05p.m. along the main road, coming against me. I was driving my wife's car at that point so he didn't see me. The garage was closed at that point.

    The car is (supposed to be) being kept at the garage overnight tonight (indoors), by arrangement, and I'm going to call in tomorrow to see check progress.

    My concern is that no work has been done, and my car is being used as a classic run around.

    I, by an absolute fluke remember the exact trip meter reading, when I dropped it off this morning.

    Any advice on what to say, and how to handle this generally?

    I'll probably go in all guns blazing, and end up in Jail.

  • #2
    EASY !!

    Tell them you have "active" tracker fitted.

    You can then say you have had a call of tracker company saying that car is being driven and are you aware !

    Then mention mileage etc etc etc

    I would then say you expect ALL repairs to be carried out free of charge or you gonna report them to police as having "TWOC" taken without owners consent.

    (bet they didnt drive it at 30mph everywhere)



    • #3
      Good idea Dave, but the mechanic knows I don't have an active tracker.
      They are unheard of over here (hic) and if I was asked genuinely I'd have guessed this was a type of fancy mortgage, or investment fund :grin:
      The local cops would laugh at you quite loudly if you mentioned one I'd imagine.

      I do have the mileage recorded, and saw him driving after hours however...
      In fairness the place was buzy today, and I did offer to take the car away and drop it back tomorrow, or Thursday if it suited better.

      Funny thing is that he asked could he borrow the car to go to a show...


      p.s. If anyone thinks I'm being paranoid please say so.


      • #4
        No I would mention it too, you had an arrangement but he was driving it ? and how many others

        I had the same prob in the Mercedes garage I took my car in for a service and when i went to collect it, the car had done 48 miles, I asked them if the car had been anywhere and they told me only round the block to bed the new brakes in.

        Oh I said then brought out the digi camera and showed him the mileage before service. (oh shitty what a red face the manager had) and a please explain from me.

        I went through him like a hot curry lots of apologies ensued :grin:


        • #5

          Called in early this morning.

          Car was indeed gagarged there overnight. Not sure yet if any work was done as garage owner not in yet.

          Only 10 miles done without my consent. The nature of the work would not have req'd a test drive.

          Only 2 people working there anyway, and 1 was off yesterday, and it was defo the owner I saw behind the wheel last night.

          If no work was done and he was just going for a spin/joyride I'll not be happy and he'll hear all about it.


          • #6
            Dermot,I remember a mechanic from a FORD dealer taking an RS500 for a spin and it ended up written off, and more recently i heard of a valeter that went out in a customers Ferrari and snapped the gearstick off so youre not alone
            You definately have to say something, tell the truth just say you saw him and tell him where and when and demand an explanation
            Ultimately take it somewhere else.

            cheeRS JOHN
            - RSOC MK2 RS2000/Mexico Registrar -


            • #7
              NEW UPDATE

              The Garage Owner just phoned and said he didn't get to the car yesterday due to pressure of other jobs, but will have it done by tonight.
              I mentioned that I saw him driving the car yesterday evening, and he said that he was just bringing it around the one way system to park it overnight indoors.
              The area has a funny traffic system and this is possible.
              Mystery over I guess.

              Car is coming home tonight regardless.

              I also now know the bill can't be excessive as work hasn't begun yet.

              If I'm not 100% satisfied I'll be looking for a new mechnic/bodyshop however.


              • #8
                hey mk2reggie, i remember someone taking a test drive in a lotus cortina (while we are on about snapped gearsticks)

                Nutty Professor


                • #9
                  Does the little diversion you mention amount to the 10 miles on the car though? Its still not on!!
                  Keep us posted
                  ps cheeRS for mentioning our little Lotus indiscretion!
                  - RSOC MK2 RS2000/Mexico Registrar -

