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RSOC Board ??

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  • RSOC Board ??

    Is it down again ??

  • #2
    nope only the main link has been HACKED by some pork & cheese (Portuguese) gits

    you can still get to the old skool and other parts by clicking the links at the top


    • #3
      this is the message the little bastard left too

      The question is, at least, polemics.  We know that the simplest one is going to condemn skimpy the hacker that invades a site or computer.  But to that point he is the unico guilty?  And the Webmasters?  Which the installment of fault of them?  Many they defend, inclusive, that the hacker lends a service to the community when invades a page and sample the as much as one this is vulnerable and the as much as one is risky deposit confidence in give up confidential information to these sites.  But it is not grossly by there.  If we used only this theory, we would be able to for anologia say that the bandit that steal is lending a service the society upon showing that the system of security as a whole one is I fail.  
      Hacker: bandit or mocinho!?


      • #4
        OH FFS !!!

        Giz & I are on the case, nice thing to wake up to on Saturday Morning


        • #5
          All sorted

