hi everybody i aint been on much since xmas packed my job in xmas and built an extension on the house so iv been flat out doing that finished now, only in may this year i fell through the joists and done some serious ligament damage to my knee been on crutches since still carried on doing the extenstion as you do ff's now knee is totaly nackered
, cant work money pot is drying up sold my 4x4 nissan today and lost a fortune on it but it has saved the escort from going for a while
thank F, so i need a tow bar for the mex to tow my cement mixer about as it dont fit on the back of my CBR. lol. only till im back on my feet.i think that will be awesome a mk2 mex in the rhondda pulling a cement mixer on a trailer to work
. did think of selling the mex cos i aint seen her for 7 months shes been down my old mans garage, but i went down a week ago and she started straight away absolutly awesome and the sound of her was like sex so the bike can go next and then if i have to pull out all the stops the MRS will be gone berfore the mex, SO ENOUGH OF MY BULL ANY BODY GOT A TOW BAR OR KNOW WHERE I CAN GET ONE FOR MY BABY cheeRS BERWYN rofl
