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  • joke

    i went to bed last night with the wife. i said to her if you want some sex pull on my nob once if you dont pull on 54 times..
    sigpiccheeRS paul

  • #2
    i know its not that good but ha what the hell ....did it make you laugh..??
    sigpiccheeRS paul


    • #3
      Hey Guys .... think twice!!!

      A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady 40miles per
      hour. The wife is behind the wheel.

      Her husband suddenly looks across at her and speaks in a clear voice.
      "I know we've been married for twenty years, but I want a divorce."

      The wife says nothing, keeps looking at the road ahead but slowly
      increases her speed to 45mph.

      The husband speaks again. "I don't want you to try and talk me out of
      it," he says, "because I've been having an affair with your best
      friend, and she's a far better lover than you are."

      Again the wife stays quiet, but grips the steering wheel more tightly
      and slowly increases the speed to 55.

      He pushes his luck. "I want the house," he says insistently..

      Up to 60.

      "I want the car, too," he continues.

      65 mph.

      "And," he says, "I'll have the bank accounts, all the credit cards
      and the boat!"

      The car slowly starts veering towards a massive concrete bridge. This
      makes him nervous,so he asks her, "Isn't there anything you want?"

      The wife at last replies in a quiet and controlled voice. "No, I've
      got everything I need," she says.

      "Oh, really," he inquires, "so what have you got?"

      Just before they slam into the wall at 65 mph, the wife turns to him
      smiles. "The airbag."


      • #4
        very good
        sigpiccheeRS paul


        • #5
          Paddy & Mick are walking through the jungle
          when they see a crocodile with a mans head
          sticking out of its mouth.

          Paddy turns to Mick and says....

          Look at that flash git with his Lacoste sleeping bag.

          My Car in The vBGarage


          • #6

            1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
            2) When your Mum is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
            3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the
            second person.
            4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
            5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
            6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
            7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
            8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
            9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
            10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap.


            1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jelly to a tree.
            2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
            3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
            4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
            5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
            6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fibre, not the toy.


            1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
            2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
            3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down
            4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair
            that you once got from a roller coaster.
            5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask
            you the questions.
            6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
            7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.


            1) You believe in Santa Claus.
            2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
            3) You are Santa Claus.
            4) You look like Santa Claus.

            At age 4 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.
            At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
            At age 17 success is . . . having a drivers licence.
            At age 20 success is . . . going all the way.
            At age 35 success is . . . having money.
            At age 50 success is . . . having money.
            At age 60 success is . . . going all the way.
            At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers licence.
            At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
            At age 80 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.

            Mk2 RS Member : 332 and RSOC Member : 5608


            • #7
              your a bit late going all the way at 20 ..mmmmmmm
              sigpiccheeRS paul


              • #8
                lol...very good a, all of em


                • #9
                  did you like them gaz....
                  sigpiccheeRS paul


                  • #10
                    The Seven Dwarves were all in the bathtub, and they were all feeling happy… so Happy got out.



                    • #11
                      Success joke was a goodun !

                      Two couples

                      Two couples were playing poker one evening. John accidentally dropped
                      some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick
                      them up, he noticed Bill's wife Sue wasn't wearing any underwear under
                      her dress!
                      Shocked by this, John upon trying to sit back up again, hit his head
                      on the table and emerged red-faced. Later, John went to the kitchen to
                      get some refreshments.
                      Bill's wife followed and asked, "Did you see anything that you liked
                      under there?" Surprised by her boldness, John courageously admitted
                      that, well indeed he did. She said, " Well, you can have it but it
                      will cost you $500." After taking a minute or two to assess the
                      financial and moral costs of this offer, John confirms that he is
                      interested. She tells him that since her husband Bill works Friday
                      afternoons and John doesn't, John should be at her house around 2 p.m.
                      Friday afternoon.
                      When Friday rolled around, John showed up at Bill's house at 2 p.m.
                      sharp and after paying Sue the agreed sum of $500 they went to the
                      bedroom and closed their transaction, as agreed. John quickly dressed
                      and left.
                      As usual, Bill came home from work at 6 p.m. and upon entering the
                      house, asked his wife abruptly. "Did John come by the house this
                      With a lump in her throat Sue answered "Why yes, he did stop by for a
                      few minutes this afternoon."
                      Her heart nearly skipped a beat when her husband curtly asked, "And
                      did he give you $500?"
                      In terror she assumed that somehow he had found out and after
                      mustering her best poker face, replied, "Well, yes, in fact he did
                      give me $500."
                      Bill, with a satisfied look on his face, surprised his wife by saying,
                      "Good, I was hoping he did. John came by the office this morning and
                      borrowed $500 from me. He promised me he'd stop by our house this
                      afternoon on his way home and pay me back."

