thanks for the comments, well better late then never, although there much the same as the ones alreday making there way round the net, I tended to edge towards the old guff,
it was a top night in the end with much merriment, free Vino top grub and good Ska band uncle Henry laid on for us
the organisors done an excellent job of transforming the Heritage centre which is basically an old shed !although I have fond memorys of the building as I spent a year there straight after leaving school as it was then used as the Ford YTS workshop
little did I know then I would back god knows how many years later still working for Ford and still owning a mk2 as rather ironically I bought my first car a Mk2 Mexico off the then computer instructor in that building for a tenner a week (well I was only 16 and on £28 a week and that had to run my Fizzie 50 as well
anyway enough of This "my" life and some pics
the view upon entering

the cars lined up in order
a rather gorgeous RS 3.1 fresh out of resto

Stuart's RS 2000

my mate Tims Mexico (he's owned this 28 yrs and in all that time it's only had a pair of wings on it (24 yrs ago !!) and this was it's first show) I have been bugging him to join up here

My Nail (went for the bonnet open shot as I have already posted above)
Tony's 1900 mile from new RS 1600i

Adam's freshly restored S1

My Mate Johns S2 RS Turbo, good effort from John here to make it at all, last Tuesday his gearbox was on the floor, his bumper was away being painted and his other half welcomed his 2nd son into the world 2 weeks early 2 days before the show

and a 36k 3Dr this is owned by Ford and was a development car and they have hung on to it since then (hence the roll cage)

quick couple of pics down the line up, the dark with spotlights and flourescent lines looked the Dog's Pod's

round the corner we have Kerry's gorgeous Twink pride of place in the middle of the bar

then we had an Escort Cossie and #1 Mk1 FRS both owned by Henry

then the mk2 FRS what we all came to see, must admit I was very impressed you really NEED to see it in the metal I had seen the pics on autocar etc etc but it really looks stunning in the metal the rear arch's, aggresive styling and the way it hunch's down make for Ford pushing the boundry's again a welcome change and the performance promise is kept it's is going to be a proper RS

theres a rather good Video here of the event on Sky with the Cheeky bugger climbing in Tim's car without permission
hope you like
it was a top night in the end with much merriment, free Vino top grub and good Ska band uncle Henry laid on for us

the organisors done an excellent job of transforming the Heritage centre which is basically an old shed !although I have fond memorys of the building as I spent a year there straight after leaving school as it was then used as the Ford YTS workshop

anyway enough of This "my" life and some pics

the view upon entering

the cars lined up in order
a rather gorgeous RS 3.1 fresh out of resto

Stuart's RS 2000

my mate Tims Mexico (he's owned this 28 yrs and in all that time it's only had a pair of wings on it (24 yrs ago !!) and this was it's first show) I have been bugging him to join up here

My Nail (went for the bonnet open shot as I have already posted above)

Tony's 1900 mile from new RS 1600i

Adam's freshly restored S1

My Mate Johns S2 RS Turbo, good effort from John here to make it at all, last Tuesday his gearbox was on the floor, his bumper was away being painted and his other half welcomed his 2nd son into the world 2 weeks early 2 days before the show

and a 36k 3Dr this is owned by Ford and was a development car and they have hung on to it since then (hence the roll cage)

quick couple of pics down the line up, the dark with spotlights and flourescent lines looked the Dog's Pod's

round the corner we have Kerry's gorgeous Twink pride of place in the middle of the bar

then we had an Escort Cossie and #1 Mk1 FRS both owned by Henry

then the mk2 FRS what we all came to see, must admit I was very impressed you really NEED to see it in the metal I had seen the pics on autocar etc etc but it really looks stunning in the metal the rear arch's, aggresive styling and the way it hunch's down make for Ford pushing the boundry's again a welcome change and the performance promise is kept it's is going to be a proper RS

theres a rather good Video here of the event on Sky with the Cheeky bugger climbing in Tim's car without permission

hope you like
