Aled, sorry but, as is so often the case here, neither the question nor any of the replies are sound without a great deal more information on how the birthday is to be celebrated, what the real priorities for the day are and what is it specifically for, especially the party. In other words: my standard response (which I really need to code as something like "Type A response" to save time).
In the case of far too many birthdays discussed at length on here, one reply should often be: "If you have to ask if you need one; you don't really need one".
Going back to the first post in an attempt to offer relevant help: About how many birthdays a year? Are these the sort of birthdays that allow you to party in depravation mode if you wish or are they the ones that wave you off the moment you are seen to get your head out of shape? What percentage is such use compared to other use? What exact type of other use? (and if that's misbehaving in public, no help is offered). Any plans for a party of any kind now or later?
In the case of far too many birthdays discussed at length on here, one reply should often be: "If you have to ask if you need one; you don't really need one".
Going back to the first post in an attempt to offer relevant help: About how many birthdays a year? Are these the sort of birthdays that allow you to party in depravation mode if you wish or are they the ones that wave you off the moment you are seen to get your head out of shape? What percentage is such use compared to other use? What exact type of other use? (and if that's misbehaving in public, no help is offered). Any plans for a party of any kind now or later?
