tickets will soon be available to everyone to witness Vinny telling Iron white Mike Andy C the above.
I would advise sitting at the back for the lads with nighties, you dont want them ruined by detached body parts...............
i'm off to see vinny thurday afternoon, see how his training is going for the big fight , hope it gets on tv burp with harry hill, FIGHT!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!!
tickets will soon be available to everyone to witness Vinny telling Iron white Mike Andy C the above.
I would advise sitting at the back for the lads with nighties, you dont want them ruined by detached body parts...............
well he is, some people are born ugly but he just takes the ****, i'd have him any day and we have already agreed the winner gets a night with either spence, frosty or the even the only gay in the village taff(the dirty little uphill gardener)