correct custom on rab
i cannot say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! cossie si
PMSL i'm deffo losing the plot! Thats twice in as many days! Thanks Spence, sound like the Midland Vine drums been beating, nice one David
Mental note to self " Try reading things you f**king daft bald t**t!"
Still got some brownie points with her in doors, told her i wasn't going away this weekend cause i'd spent last at le-man and we should spend more time together Well done dave (you must feed your missus some BS) steak meal and the trimmings for me, going out shoes and short number, looks like i'm looking at the cracks in the ceilig later
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !