Plant some big foooooooooookin fast growing trees this weekend right on your boundry line and block out their light first !!!!!!!!!
sigpic 2.1 ATMO YB POWER .
Tick tock goes the clock and the clock don't lie .
12.4sec to 109mph With NO turbo , NO gay trailer , NO slicks , NO gas , NO race fuel and NO bits missing . Beat that !!!!
tell the council you have seen newts on the land ,and they will waste so much time and effort looking for the " protected " little buggers that the developers will get fed up waiting and find somewhere else to build ......
****, 1st thing i thought of when i read ruddy's post and you already post it.
just think of all the talent on your doorstep "litrally" paul
you can all pop to the post office to get your pensions together, even take them out for a potter in the mk2
just think of all the talent on your doorstep "litrally" paul
you can all pop to the post office to get your pensions together, even take them out for a potter in the mk2
plan B , I am gonna sell the builders bacon sarnies, mars bars and mugs of tea over the fence, I'll make so much money I can then move .....
Been to Council planners today, they know **** all about it, or so they say, I have photos of the plans with architects contact number on and the clients address
oh dear,grannys are professional complainers,lots of time with nothing to do but nose at everyone else and moan and the council usually take what they say as gospel run for it
what i need is a high horse like the others have !
oh dear,grannys are professional complainers,lots of time with nothing to do but nose at everyone else and moan and the council usually take what they say as gospel run for it