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No radio in Public places W.T.F ??????????

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  • No radio in Public places W.T.F ??????????

    So, some local businesses in the Halifax area have been prosecuted for playing the Radio in their workplace "without a license"

    W.T.F. IS GOING ON WITH THIS COUNTRY?????????????????

    Something to do with copyright I suppose, one was a small garage owner who had the radio playing in the background, one was a hairdresser.

    By coincidence I had a letter from some government `quango` with the headlines `ARE YOU BREAKING THE LAW` relating to playing music in public places or the workplace, I even heard of workplaces being phoned up to see if music could be heard in the background.

    Even my missus`s haidresser`s is like a morgue now as they can`t play music or listen to the radio without the fear of being prosecuted.

    Oh, how the 70`s and 80`s seem more so ****ing excellent looking back.

    anyone else experienced any of this CR&P??

  • #2
    people in this country roll over and take it

    i'd like them to bring this in in france they would blockade the ports again

    Nutty Professor


    • #3
      more bloody stupid laws made by stupid old c###s who don't live in the real world what is this ****ing country coming to
      always have my radio on at work


      • #4
        FIVE businesses in the Halifax area prosecuted recently


        • #5
          Cheltenham Motor club which own's it's own clubhouse was theatened with prosecution about 8 years ago because we play background music in the bar. We now have to pay the Performing right's council or what ever they call themselves £180 a year for the privilage of doing so in a private members club. Rip off or what.
          My car in vBGarage


          • #6
            they have been on to me five times asking what the radio in the background is ,i told them it was in cars i was m.o.t ing ,so i am expecting a visit


            • #7
              We've not been allowed a radio in our shop for nearly a year now We had a "Visit" from the powers that be saying we had to stump up 2k for a yearly licence as it was deemed a public performance. Bunch of jobsworth ****s who wont be happy till everything that is fun in this country is banned and we are all reduced to "Drones"
              Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

              CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


              • #8
                Its all to do with the Perfoming rights society (PRS) and the playing of recorded music in a public place, we have to have a licence to play music at the pub,be it recorded or live, the money from the licence fee apparently goes to the performers,writers etc although Ive heard that its only the likes of big artists (Elton ,Madonna etc) that see any of it, (I might be wrong) Pubs that are'nt on their list with a licence ie claiming they play no music ,will invairably get "visits" to make sure they are'nt. Even if we have a radio on in the kitchen with only a couple of chefs an a kp, a licence is still required. Rip off britain at its best


                • #9
                  I suppose I could play all my old CD's I recorded years ago..... Would like to see them stop that.
                  Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                  CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Frosticles View Post
                    I suppose I could play all my old CD's I recorded years ago..... Would like to see them stop that.
                    anyone in their right mind would stop that

                    Nutty Professor


                    • #11
                      Have you had the refuse police around yet, they want to know were you put your trade rubbish, as you are not allowed to off-load it at the local tip. The council charge something like £1.40 for 1 brown plastic bag to place it in.

