i wud realy like to thank steven and bob so much 4 a wonderfull weekend, it was the best ever show of escorts i have ever seen anywhere in the uk,the weather was brilliant the tour on saturday was amazing and the craic was mighty,(but just a wee shower of rain wud have been gud fun

),it was realy great to meet sum of the lads of the board,dave robinson,paul spence,mr tickles(kev), big johnny(top guy),graham&debs,gregg,neil was great to see u lads again
,hally,grum even we only got chatn a quick hello,ders and martin and all the guys that i met and made us all so welcome, and a very sound bloke by the name of dave custom and realy enjoyed ur chat,and to all the lads i didnt get to meet and have a laugh there will be next year

. i think i can say on behalf of all the irish lads that attended we will be back and look 4ward to bigger and better next year,and thank every one once again on an exellent weekend.
cheers richard

cheers richard