I've been doing a few jobs on the car for a few days now, on and off, and this morning I was packing the boot, with the usual stuff for the tour.
I ran up the engine and all was well.
I cut the grass, and suddenly realised I had misplaced the RS's keys.
Two hours of increasingly frantic searching and retracing my steps had me in a bit of a state.
As a last resort I remembered pulling a few weeds, and throwing them in the wheelie bin a while before, and after emptying it's entire contents, I saw the keys right at the bottom, in a puddle of presumably fairly nasty gloop.
I didn't need that kind of excitement.
I ran up the engine and all was well.
I cut the grass, and suddenly realised I had misplaced the RS's keys.
Two hours of increasingly frantic searching and retracing my steps had me in a bit of a state.
As a last resort I remembered pulling a few weeds, and throwing them in the wheelie bin a while before, and after emptying it's entire contents, I saw the keys right at the bottom, in a puddle of presumably fairly nasty gloop.
I didn't need that kind of excitement.