Saturday Night - Me, Mex-IT, Lee, Mike and Wilf are OTP in Manchester City Centre.
After copius amounts of alcholic beverages we make our way to yet another pub.
I go first past the bouncers into Brannigans, I say the obligitory Evenin ! and get the nod to enter.
Expecting the others to follow I then hear Mex-IT say to the bouncers .....
"Look we have all got shoes on !"
WTF - lol lol lol lol
03:00 in morning eating Steak Pie, chips and gravy - hhhhmmmm loverly
Top night out in Manchester
After copius amounts of alcholic beverages we make our way to yet another pub.
I go first past the bouncers into Brannigans, I say the obligitory Evenin ! and get the nod to enter.
Expecting the others to follow I then hear Mex-IT say to the bouncers .....
"Look we have all got shoes on !"
WTF - lol lol lol lol
03:00 in morning eating Steak Pie, chips and gravy - hhhhmmmm loverly
Top night out in Manchester
