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another story of the hidden horror
I have decided against restoring the mk2 and more of a rolling resto as she is very solid with only a few bits that need doing, i will re-use most of the stuff and try to restore the bits before re-fitting them.
i will use the mk2 as a trial run and then use her and then take my mk1 mex off the road
Originally posted by SIGYELLOWBest advice mate - patch her up yourself, get her through an MOT and enjoy her (that's what I should have done). You can always get a better car later on, or do a balls out restoration when finances allow...
So ok, my RS is a bit ropey in places up close but both me and the missus have had a real giggle in it and have had a wonderful summer just driving about. That to me is what classic motoring is all about.Paul
So ok, my RS is a bit ropey in places up close but both me and the missus have had a real giggle in it and have had a wonderful summer just driving about. That to me is what classic motoring is all about.[/quote]
I'm sure it's far from ropey!!! It looks damn good from your sig pic anyway!! As long as the enjoyment factor is there, so what if there is the odd patch weld here and there, with 12 months ticket on her you'll always get your money back and will have had 100% enjoyment as well - AKA having your cake and eating it!!!***Take me down to
I've begun to live with the odd bubble of rust here and there, at first I wanted the car mint.. I was intending on getting the roof re-skinned this winter to lose the sunroof but after this summer i've decided im spending the money on an lsd and bulk buying tyres. Sod the sunroof.Paul
its great to read all these comments and seeing the difference of opnions.
these are all the exact thoughts that are going through my head at the mo. The thing is i don't mind the car being off the road for a while cos i can use the other Rs.
I am more worried about paying £5-6k for something thats looks the b@ll@cks but again has the horrors hidden away underneath.
I haven't really been looking around but whats the general feeling of you guys, of me landing a cracker for that price, or not?
SIGYELLOW - H i mate, was the £7k the completed job, bodywork and everything else that went back on the car.
Hi Anddon: Yes, that was pretty much the completed total all in - I rather ambitiously replaced everything where rust was found! Inner/outer wings, slam panel, front panel, A-posts, floor pans, inner/outer sills, fuel/wheel wells, radiator crossmember.....and god knows what else!
The costs of course are all in the labour and Gen Ford panels where they can be found. Only the inner wings were Gen Ford on the above, at a cost of £500 pair. Other panels are minimal in outlay, e.g pattern front panels go for about £45 I think nowadays. The problem lyes in coming to install all this lot properly - I'm OK with mechanics like most people, but bodywork no way!! Therefore you pay somebody who really does know what their doing and of course it costs...and before long you end up.....
***Take me down to
Hello I see you dealt with the Escort Agency.
Well all I can say is that I have never met such a Lying son of a bitch.
I was done just as you was and it is a shame that a low life is making money out ot Escorts. If anyone want the details of what I went through then I have everything on paper to prove it.
Swapped rear axle, swapped tyres, etc, etc,
You will be sorry !!!!!
Since buying my RS2000 I have learned a few things and one of them is that in the trade the Escort Agency is treated as a joke - A JOKE - DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS GUY
Anybody else echo these words - I get on very well with Martin personally and have been erstwhile pleased with the transactions I've done with him! Of course, everybody has their experiences and opinions accordingly...***Take me down to
Oh sorry forgot to add, the car was advertised as mint, so it needed inner and outer sills, floor sections which were guaranteed as sound etc. etc - CRAP.
I am used to dealing multi million pound deals with Firms that you can discuss things with face to face, I have never come across such an unprofessional outfit who makes money out of individuals. I admit I should have learned a lot more before taking the plunge but you do not expect to be taken for a ride by someone who sets themselves up as professionals.
I have discussed things with other members and one comment was Everyone has been conned by Martin.
Cheers, Banishit,
I complained but had to take it on the chin,
I had a bullshit story about the owner taking a joyride to Tenby when actually the wheels and back axle (with LSD) were being changed over (as I said Martin confirmed the Yokohamas went on his car but I had punctured M&S's.) I admit to being a complete novice at the time but I am ****ed off by taken for a ride by someone who sets themselves up as saviours of Escorts.
Anyway as a member of the club I suggest you stay away from The Escort Agency or suffer what I had to suffer. I have learned a lot since then.
Sorry Banishit, to get back to your question,
The car has had a good going over, has had new back arches, some floor, two new doors (really lucky picked up two reskinned doors off Adtrader) I have kept it as a Basic car and hope to get it back on the road in a couple of weeks.
Hope to take it to some meetings next year.