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What will happen when...

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  • What will happen when...

    I'm going to touch a few nerves here. But what will happen when people realise it's not going to do the RS values any good if they keep putting Cossie's and Duratec's in RS2's? I realise someone will say' hey why worry, there's loads of them out there!'
    I've had my RS2 for over 23 years and have tried to keep it as standard as possible. And I have 2 major RSOC(Aust) trophies as well!

  • #2
    Originally posted by wombat View Post
    I'm going to touch a few nerves here. But what will happen when people realise it's not going to do the RS values any good if they keep putting Cossie's and Duratec's in RS2's? I realise someone will say' hey why worry, there's loads of them out there!'
    I've had my RS2 for over 23 years and have tried to keep it as standard as possible. And I have 2 major RSOC(Aust) trophies as well!
    I'm with you on this mate. It's up to people what they do with their cars but i like to see em as standard as possible.
    Ex-Chairman of 'The Clique'


    • #3
      In OZ we just don't have the resources to keep everything as mint as you lot do in the UK. I'd like to replace the roofskin, but I can't go to any palce and order it. Sure we have people importing stuff from over there every month, but panels don't seem to be on the list. And it costs a motza to get it here anyway!
      There were only 2,400 RS2's made here and I'm not sure how many have survived the years..Maybe fewer than 1,000.


      • #4
        I do like to see RSs kept "fairly" standard and am not a big fan of the trend towards dropping all sorts of lumps and boxes in these cars.

        Inevitably this will actually increase the value of STD cars, I think if you're going to modify an Escort to such a degree whoever takes on such a project "ought" to use non-RS shells, but you pays your money and takes your choice.

        This is of course the appeal of the Esccort as a Clubman's (etc) car, as they're readily available as are the parts and the knowledge on modding them.

        Better to drop a non-STD lump in an RS than hunt it through the forests, killing it forever.


        • #5
          why do people lop off the nosecones from the RS cars? Can't understand it myself. Will this de-value it?


          • #6
            people will always modify their cars

            back in the early 80's people would chop a v8 into mk2's just for fun

            these cars are now 'hobby' cars, it shouldnt affect values if people want to tinker with their toys, there will always be another 'tinkerer' wanting to tinker with it.

            Nutty Professor


            • #7
              Originally posted by wombat View Post
              I'm going to touch a few nerves here. But what will happen when people realise it's not going to do the RS values any good if they keep putting Cossie's and Duratec's in RS2's? I realise someone will say' hey why worry, there's loads of them out there!'
              I've had my RS2 for over 23 years and have tried to keep it as standard as possible. And I have 2 major RSOC(Aust) trophies as well!

              generally there are people who want a standard car, and then go off and keep it that way, and also a consensus that the cars are now a little dated and could do with more modern modifications, whether this is better brakes, engines, transmissions etc etc is up to them.
              personally i have done a little of both (se resto section, the Black beastie) with lots of upgrades but keeping the externall appearance as it was manufactured



              • #8
                Dont get me wrong, I like a well modded Escort! It's just as the years go by, these cars are going to get rarer and more valuable.

