Er, Yes, it was me again. Wrong day, wrong time......was happily sat there waiting when the nurse comes up and tells me I shouldn't be there that it's tomorrow........I could hear quite a bit of chuckling, so bowed my head and left in shame.........LOL
Er, Yes, it was me again. Wrong day, wrong time......was happily sat there waiting when the nurse comes up and tells me I shouldn't be there that it's tomorrow........I could hear quite a bit of chuckling, so bowed my head and left in shame.........LOL
have a blow on one of these Kev, it will help you concentrate.............
custom, could we make a sticky in the pointless thread section to remind people when they have to go to hospital?????????
this sounds like a good idea Paul - could you possibly set an alarm for my dad for next thursday plzzzz - he's going in for a knee repalcement and im sure he dont wanna miss it