Rick was 37 yesterday ! Many happy returns. Next event pirelli in april!
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !
Happy birthday Ricky. Thought he was doing the Robin Hood on Sunday????
No, change of plan kev! We are going to spectate on the night stages though! See you there if your going!
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !