i know, but he shouldn't have was my point, he'll pay a lot for a shed these days, if he pays half what he got for worthers, i bet it aint half as good - geddit?
i know, but he shouldn't have was my point, he'll pay a lot for a shed these days, if he pays half what he got for worthers, i bet it aint half as good - geddit?
I got talking to others about other 70,s-80,s cars and there are a couple that i,d like to own, but RS,s in been in my blood since the mid 80,s starting of with my first Mex, ALJ 914K, my dad is a Ford man, kind of runs in the blood, it,ll be fun trying to hunt down the right car this time, i know what it wont be this time ?? it wont be BEI..... sorry Taffr no offence. There will always be a place in my heart for Worthers, but things we be different this time.. i,ll drive it for a start
I got talking to others about other 70,s-80,s porn and there are a couple of chicks that i,d like to shag, but tossing off's in been in my blood since the mid 80,s starting of with my first wank, Deep Throat, my dad is a tit man, kind of runs in the blood, it,ll be fun trying to hunt down the right video this time, i know what it wont be this time ?? it wont be GAY..... sorry Taffr no offence. There will always be a place in my heart for porn, but things we be different this time.. i,ll watch it for a start
i'm not gay, honest!!!!!!!!!!!
well done ian, get a proper colour this time, let me suffer alone
I got talking to others about other 70,s-80,s porn and there are a couple of chicks that i,d like to shag, but tossing off's in been in my blood since the mid 80,s starting of with my first wank, Deep Throat, my dad is a tit man, kind of runs in the blood, it,ll be fun trying to hunt down the right video this time, i know what it wont be this time ?? it wont be GAY..... sorry Taffr no offence. There will always be a place in my heart for porn, but things we be different this time.. i,ll watch it for a start
I got talking to others about other 70,s-80,s porn and there are a couple of chicks that i,d like to shag, but tossing off's in been in my blood since the mid 80,s starting of with my first wank, Deep Throat, my dad is a tit man, kind of runs in the blood, it,ll be fun trying to hunt down the right video this time, i know what it wont be this time ?? it wont be GAY..... sorry Taffr no offence. There will always be a place in my heart for porn, but things we be different this time.. i,ll watch it for a start