spoken to insurance company about colour conserns and advisead all repairs are covered for three years.
being delivered to house so i can see it under street light and in good daylight to pick any problems, if it's not right it's still going to cumbria and sort it out after.
So, if it's not raining tomorrow i MAY get my car back...
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now they're not willing to try to put the car onto the smaller transporter as it's too tight.
the bigger transporter is in for new brakes and should be back some time Monday, then it's on a list with others to "get out",
"Is there any reason you cant come and collect it"!!!!!!
She's home, flat battery, no fuel, dirty and duct tape over the boot...
they left the ignition on, fuel pumps kept goin, flattened battery, battery in boot with remote relese, no power no central locking no access to boot to jump...