KL - Since I applied the "must have a price" rule I personally feel the Private for sale ads have now become a more transparent market place
No longer are people "chancing" their arm on seeing how much they can screw out of a buyer
If a make me an offer type sale is wanted by a seller then they can put it on Ebay and obviously on there the best offer will win (subject to any reserve)
Just take a look at Miniliteman's latest for sale ad - All priced and the majority sold with no issues as far as I could see - Maybe Leon would like to comment on my pricing rule ?
Since you asked Dave ...
First of all I know what KL 's reasoning is; but in similar circumstances (not knowing what a part is worth) I asked (pm) some respected BB-members on here to get a proper market-value of the parts I had for sale. So I think a (locked, don't know exactly how it should work) separate thread section would be a good idea. I always wanted to be a Administrator ... but perhaps Ruddy and/or Robbo would be better for this role.
The parts I had for sale last week were priced to sell; for a set of 4 NOS RS-wheel-centrecaps I asked £80 and they sold within a couple of hours. I do not mind that a similar set on ebay fetched £128 not long afterwards. As long as the buyer doesn't buy them off me to make a profit shortly after buying ...
I suggest that anyone wanting to sell parts for the highest price possible to it on ebay like some Germans do it atm: auction it with a high-buy-it-now-price plus the make-me-an-offer facility.
That way if there's a silly b*st*rd that does buy-it-now you make an excellent price or if not you can look out for buyer making a bid close to your asking price.
I see this BB as a friendly place not as a substitute for ebay. If that all makes any sense ...
great read this thread but do they way we lads do over here give it to each other 1st then sting them 4 a price after they get it and like it lol oops shudnt have said that!!!!!!
sori jimmy
if i have parts lying around that i have no intention of using or keeping i would rather sell them cheap to someone to put to good use or to keep a car going ,...are we enthusiasts or not ?? as long as we dont feel "cheated " we all must know what these parts are worth to us !!