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  • V888

    I know this has been mentioned before, but has anybody sent off a V888 form to the DVLA to get some history for car that they don't own, like an ex-works car?

    If so, what reason did you put down for wanting the information?

  • #2
    DVLA will only send you previous keeper info (copies of the old logbooks) if you are the owner.

    The current keeper information is available if you request it.
    As an example if you have issued a ticket on your own private car park or if you have had an accident & been given false information.

    Is there a particular ex works car you are looking for info on..??


    • #3
      i asked for info on my 16i when i bought it , they sent it back saying no can do as i was not the registered keeper, then two days later my log book turned up , so i dought you will get anything back, as said above you can only request it if you are the keeper or have a good reason to need the info eg- fail to stop accident

