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strange RS1800 question

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  • strange RS1800 question

    does anyone know the compleat list of RS1800s?

    Here's the story, met up with an old mate from 25 years ago and we got chatting about people who we knew who'd died (as you do) and we got onto a bloke we knew, Howard Druce, who when i was younger and getting into cars was the "mad old bloke wiv the fast escorts" on my council estate.
    Anyway i know he had lots of cars when he died (apparently at a barn that he'd never take anyone too but he'd bring the cars back every now and then) including a Mk2 mexico like van, Mk2 RS2000 and a silver RS1800, 2.8i cortina Mk5 ect now for the question was there ever one with the reg starting LAD ??
    He used to keep them one at a time in a council lockup near my house and as i was into escorts and cortinas at the time we got to know each other, he died as i say about 10 years ago of cancer that killed him 3 months after he found out about it and that bloke i met reminded me he had this RS and swears it was a real one, so anyone heard of it? just wondering if it's still about or was even a real one
    Long shot i know but he was one of these strange blokes who lived aloan, slept in a 70's swivel chair in the front room, only used the bath to degrease parts and had a coffee table made of a cossie head and a lotus head (his sister asked me to clear his house out after he died) so i got em and sold em to burtons and his bed (that was coverd in escort pannels) was held up by 4 boxed 7&1/2 RS 4 spokes and the house was full of RS bits and bobs.
    So you see what type of chap he was so i allways beleived it was a real RS1800 and after chatting about him i'm intreaged (sp?)

  • #2
    yes i know of a Howard Druce, got the car from new, but it was stolen with delivery miles back in the 80s i was told, have all the details here as he was a RSOC member back then. His forms say it was white and standard
    MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50

    My Car in the VbGarage and in My Album


    • #3
      Mmm, was it really stolen or was it given a quick flash over with silver and parked in a council lock up.....?

      The plot thickens!


      • #4
        shit me that's spot on was stolen and he recoverd it stripped from what i remember, ever hear what happened to the car/s ?
        TBH he was one of those blokes you where never sure was on the up and up cos he had so many tales but a lot of em got confirmed by people i met later on, we used to call him "wiggy" cos of his mad white hair
        i used to go to chelsea cruise with him in the mex van .


        • #5
          Originally posted by Smudger View Post
          Mmm, was it really stolen or was it given a quick flash over with silver and parked in a council lock up.....?

          The plot thickens!
          TBH mate i never saw that much of the RS1800 the chap i met said silver i can't remember but i think the reg was LAD 4 sumink
          It was deffo stolen, cos i know who did it.

          Me an the wigsta used to only really talk cortinas cos that's what i'm into and he had a collection of em i used to work on.
          Allthough there where storeys of garages around London full of RS's you never allways beleive everything you hear


          • #6
            Originally posted by bortaf View Post
            does anyone know the compleat list of RS1800s?

            Here's the story, met up with an old mate from 25 years ago and we got chatting about people who we knew who'd died (as you do) and we got onto a bloke we knew, Howard Druce, who when i was younger and getting into cars was the "mad old bloke wiv the fast escorts" on my council estate.
            Anyway i know he had lots of cars when he died (apparently at a barn that he'd never take anyone too but he'd bring the cars back every now and then) including a Mk2 mexico like van, Mk2 RS2000 and a silver RS1800, 2.8i cortina Mk5 ect now for the question was there ever one with the reg starting LAD ??
            He used to keep them one at a time in a council lockup near my house and as i was into escorts and cortinas at the time we got to know each other, he died as i say about 10 years ago of cancer that killed him 3 months after he found out about it and that bloke i met reminded me he had this RS and swears it was a real one, so anyone heard of it? just wondering if it's still about or was even a real one
            Long shot i know but he was one of these strange blokes who lived aloan, slept in a 70's swivel chair in the front room, only used the bath to degrease parts and had a coffee table made of a cossie head and a lotus head (his sister asked me to clear his house out after he died) so i got em and sold em to burtons and his bed (that was coverd in escort pannels) was held up by 4 boxed 7&1/2 RS 4 spokes and the house was full of RS bits and bobs.
            So you see what type of chap he was so i allways beleived it was a real RS1800 and after chatting about him i'm intreaged (sp?)

            i have had the same chat with 3 different ppl over the last 3 years about this man and none of them know wach other

            the other was a bloke at the osf meet at boxhill and another bloke from dover that new him they all say a standard white rs1800 with delivery miles on it and 2 of them gave a location in essex i have tried to track him down for the last 2 years now but have not found him and now i know why ...RIP... i does make you wonder what has happend to that rs1800 and the other cars... ...i wonder if there still in a barn

            i wonder how many other ppl know him ?????
            sigpiccheeRS paul


            • #7
              Originally posted by bortaf View Post
              TBH mate i never saw that much of the RS1800 the chap i met said silver i can't remember but i think the reg was LAD 4 sumink
              It was deffo stolen, cos i know who did it.

              Me an the wigsta used to only really talk cortinas cos that's what i'm into and he had a collection of em i used to work on.
              Allthough there where storeys of garages around London full of RS's you never allways beleive everything you hear
              the reg i have rob is different to that for the 1800,
              MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50

              My Car in the VbGarage and in My Album


              • #8
                He used to have a barn out waltham forest way (a couple of miles from chingford) but the farm sold up and he moved them to Cuffley way (herts).
                He even managed to get me nicked once rung a cortina using plates off a car that was still in my name had the rozzers right up me arse for weeks, mind you at the time i had 8 cortinas in 7 different garages and 5 in storage so i guess i looked hot even though they were all 100% leagal

                shame he aint here though he'd tell you about the SPG raid on us working on a "few" cortinas in a car park on me estate, the mad ****er


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dave1800BDA View Post
                  the reg i have rob is different to that for the 1800,
                  could well be time mate, me mate said silver and the reg and i though i remember the 4 but could have been any of his cars, he had a "few" the few times i visited the garage it was in it had no plates as it was after he got it back, in fact i'll pop round and check it aint still there tomorow it's about 200 yards away

                  you never know, 4 years ago a crayford corsair turned up 30 yards from me house in a council garage and 3 months back a crayford Mk2 cortina turned up dead out the back of block 12 feet away for 20 years and i never knew.
                  Now wheres me bolt croppers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bortaf View Post
                    could well be time mate, me mate said silver and the reg and i though i remember the 4 but could have been any of his cars, he had a "few" the few times i visited the garage it was in it had no plates as it was after he got it back, in fact i'll pop round and check it aint still there tomorow it's about 200 yards away

                    you never know, 4 years ago a crayford corsair turned up 30 yards from me house in a council garage and 3 months back a crayford Mk2 cortina turned up dead out the back of block 12 feet away for 20 years and i never knew.
                    Now wheres me bolt croppers

                    good luck will be good to put this one to bed in my brain
                    sigpiccheeRS paul


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RS2000&MEXICO View Post
                      good luck will be good to put this one to bed in my brain
                      TBH it's a storey we all talk about when we get together (a bit like the gooneys but greyer) we all want to go hunt for "wiggys barn" and find tresure
                      i think about it every time i drive through Cuffly but meeting that other mate really got the juices flowing for wanting an answer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bortaf View Post
                        TBH it's a storey we all talk about when we get together (a bit like the gooneys but greyer) we all want to go hunt for "wiggys barn" and find tresure
                        i think about it every time i drive through Cuffly but meeting that other mate really got the juices flowing for wanting an answer

                        i hope you find one m8
                        sigpiccheeRS paul


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bortaf View Post
                          TBH it's a storey we all talk about when we get together (a bit like the gooneys but greyer) we all want to go hunt for "wiggys barn" and find tresure
                          i think about it every time i drive through Cuffly but meeting that other mate really got the juices flowing for wanting an answer
                          Theres a few hidden treasures around Cuffley Rob, plenty of barns to tuck a motor or few in too. Few dodgy boys up that way aswell


                          • #14
                            Might be time for a gathering of the old crew, i feel a phone session coming on
                            i hope wiggty didn't set any traps too old for being chased by huge piles of tyres


                            • #15
                              Its the Cuffley special dexion mantrap you have to watch

