....... life begins now, well it has already for Troll after last weekend (hope all is well, when can we pop over to see the baby ? ....... then we'll come out of the garage and go see Jo and 'lil Charlie )
didnt realise it was your 40th tho !!! ....... known you for 20 years now ... christ
....... life begins now, well it has already for Troll after last weekend (hope all is well, when can we pop over to see the baby ? ....... then we'll come out of the garage and go see Jo and 'lil Charlie )
didnt realise it was your 40th tho !!! ....... known you for 20 years now ... christ
Thanks guy's sort of forgotten bout my birthday after little ones arrival last weekend, he is stealing all the lime light.. and there is no where to put my cards now lol
You can pop over next week Gra, my folks are coming down later today for the w/e.. be good to see u as always....