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Worthers/Ian Parker Update !
Dave, your not wrong, i was only in the garage today, the bloody place smells of the car. still aint absorbed it 100%. What i do know is my daughters are safe, happy and comfortable in their new bedroom and my son loves his new room. Watching them now gives me more pleasure than the car ever did. One day, i,m sure your,ll get to know... why, a couple of board members are aware of the situation. Its nothing to be ashamed off, just something your,d never want to deal with. Its happened, and its been dealt with. We move on. I now enjoy "liurking", with the odd comment. I will be back, with possibly with a bigger and better project, better than Worthers, lessons were leant with that car, and it wont be BEIGE !!!. So your pic werent that far away, however, the situation now totally outstrips the pic, sorry for being heavy.