Kev, did that car come from Torquay? I',m sure that used to belong to a guy I knew..
Do not have a clue I'm afraid. Bought it from a Notts Group lad. Before that it was in Mamsfield. Am going to apply to the DVLA for the owner history for it so will find out then.
Have the Koni's and front springs but no rears..... How low did you go?
Don't go to low, keep the rear higher than the front or you'll ruin handleing and steering feel! Nice colour by the way. White is the new red!
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !
So, should I stay standard height and just put the Koni's on??
I would! Had a look at the photos, and it looks ok as it is! If the wheels are 7 or 7.5 try3- 5mm spacers on rear, it will help fill out arches!(i have 8 inch on rear, with no arch mods) BBR used standard ride height springs on their modded cars! Change front bushes to poly but leave rears standard.(as long as they are in good condition) Car will be fast and comfy, more like an m3 than harsh racer! I foung setting the rear konis to top setting(Has to be off car) Gave best comfort/rebound control! I now run coil overs but these aren't needed for road use!
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !