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avo site been cut

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  • #46
    Originally posted by RS2000CUSTOM View Post
    It was Gaz W that just post Tim not RSendout ?
    i know,it was just a personal message to mr endout if he was lurkin in a dark small corner some where


    • #47
      I don't normally get drawn into this stuff, but I'm going to have my say...

      I love the way people think the AVO club is being run wrongly or like a dictatorship. The fact is the committee do the best they can, I became Chairman last year, not because I had a desperate urge to do so, but because there wasn't anyone else who really wanted to do the job. We struggle like hell to get members involved in running the club. We have over 500 members but only a handful that are prepared to help run the club. I'd welcome members turning up to our AGM and voting on what they want but it just doesn't happen. That's something we need to work on.

      After reading the narrow minded OSF backlash from our forum change I'm glad people on this forum can see the difference between an online forum/community and a car club. I love this site and am lurking on it nearly everyday. I think it's had a really good effect to the Old Skool RS scene, there's now a real buzz with the mk2 boys that was missing a few years ago. My hat off to you Dave. The success of this site was a factor in our forum going members only because we felt we didn't need to host a competeing public forum.

      Roll-on the Lakes in May


      • #48
        I also find it very strange that the AVO website is now only open to members,one of the reasons given as far as i can make out is that the members of the AVO are not very happy that non members are using the site,I was a member of the AVO owners club years ago when i had a mk1RS2000 and to be honest it was very clicky,i attended every national day at Stanford Hall when i owned my car,but i felt like a second class citizen,my car wasn`t no where near as good as some as the concours cars but it was used every day.I do not have an RS at the moment and haven`t for a long time,but the actions of the AVO club i feel that they are wanting to sever all ties with everyone except members only.I hope this doesn`t happen to this forum or any others,i don`t post threads very often but i like to read about restorations and i enjoy reading about peoples exploits.As i said i don`t own an RS at the moment but this shouldn`t stop me reliving my youth.Regards Gixer1000.


        • #49
          going backwards for christmas

          so can under 140 members keep the site going and provide enough traffic too ? i find it a very odd move. the lotus cortina site has a much smaller potential membership as have such a small amount of cars ever made,and they have a members section,but the rest of the forum is open.any plans to do that on the avo site ,even just one room?
          what i need is a high horse like the others have !


          • #50
            Non Member

            Shame, as a frequent browser to the AVO site, although an unregular poster.

            Would have thought that even non members (or ex-AVO members like me from 3100 days!) would have both something to gain from the shared information, and also something to give - information, parts for sale, amd so on.

            Will this unwelcome attitude also extend to the National day eventually? Certainly hope not, it's a great day with great cars, and trader's who'll (currently) sell to non AVO members!
            Member number 248


            • #51
              nevermind -just keep up the good work on this site
              all the best to everyone for 2008


              • #52
                Originally posted by RS MARTIN View Post
                nevermind -just keep up the good work on this site
                all the best to everyone for 2008
                Hear Hear,I will second that,happy new year everyone.Regards Gixer1000.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by gixer1000 View Post
                  I was a member of the AVO owners club years ago when i had a mk1RS2000 and to be honest it was very clicky,i attended every national day at Stanford Hall when i owned my car,but i felt like a second class citizen,my car wasn`t no where near as good as some as the concours cars but it was used every day.Regards Gixer1000.
                  Gixer - with the utmost respect clubs and their members change - you are speaking from your experiences of a few years ago, I felt the same when I first joined 11 years ago - why not come along in June to National Day and see how friendly we are now?


                  • #54
                    and dont forget to bring your boxing gloves


                    • #55
                      have some very fond memories of being in the AVO club.
                      Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                      CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Rallyman72 View Post
                        Gixer - with the utmost respect clubs and their members change - you are speaking from your experiences of a few years ago, I felt the same when I first joined 11 years ago - why not come along in June to National Day and see how friendly we are now?
                        With upmost respect to yourself,my experiences maybe weren`t very good,and that seems to be the opinions of others aswell,peoples attitudes may have changed,but I don`t think they have,there is still in fighting at the RSOC,bitching over results in the concours events(my cars better than his syndrome),and at the end of the day we all know its who has the biggest wallet to build the best car.In this day and age of the world wide web,shutting the door on their website seems like commercial suicide now.Regards Gixer1000.


                        • #57
                          ive only been a member of the avo club since june 07 and been made to feel very welcome by all the members ive meet


                          • #58
                            it does seem a shame when non memebers cannot offer advice and experience but there are the rules that have been agreed at the agm, i was a member and use to run the local hants meet and i know what some people say about the clickyness of the club on a few occasions i offered my services within the club including spares remanufacture but it always fell on deaf ears, - i think the club has changed a lot in the last year or two and with a new young chairman it can only be good for the image but to be fair i have always got on well with most people in the club and have always found them to be most helpfull and think i have made many good friends within it.
                            Looks like i will have to re-join once the new car arrives though.
                            It has probarly helped daves site swell with members as well when people need their rwd fix and i'm not knocking other sites but this site is the most friendliest, helpfull, and least snobbish site i have ever used and i for one will continue to use it for a very long time - oh and its FREE


                            • #59
                              maybe we can have a mk1 forum on here for us outcasts ?
                              so what type of mex have you bought vinny spill the beans.


                              • #60
                                why a seperate forum for mk1's on here

                                all for 1 and 1 for all on here

