he wouldnt post any of the items the item listing said 290 mile just walked through the door from setting of at 2 am this morning a total of 762 miles but it was worth it also got the new drivers door he had for sale.plus one for robbo his brothers mate is supposed to have bought an rs 1800 from a dealer in falmouth in 78 drove it to his house and its never turned a wheel since mileage is 28 miles dave is this the so called delivery mileage one
he wouldnt post any of the items the item listing said 290 mile just walked through the door from setting of at 2 am this morning a total of 762 miles but it was worth it also got the new drivers door he had for sale.plus one for robbo his brothers mate is supposed to have bought an rs 1800 from a dealer in falmouth in 78 drove it to his house and its never turned a wheel since mileage is 28 miles dave is this the so called delivery mileage one
just gettin the camper ready for my trip down to cornwall to pick up a new door for my rs 2000. sat nav says 364 miles its going to be a long night but hopefully worth it dont want to fall asleep
Firk me hope it was worth it! Done m/cr to truro in 4hrs 30. When we went for eclipse! Nothing on the roads! Took 10 hrs back though
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !
enjoyed the drive down in the early hours but coming back 2 accidents held us up it took two and a half hours just to get from donno which is only 64 mile