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thos rocker cover

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  • Originally posted by rwdrs View Post
    As Leon says, if we don't front some of the money, we won't see any covers.

    I am willing, as I said, once the price and number of covers have been agreed we can agree a contract which I and the seller can sign, so that any monies changing hands will be signed for and everybody knows where they stand legally. Again, the seller knowing that he has a contract covered by German law will think twice before turning anyone over, which I don't think will happen anyway
    Jamie, I also think that the seller isn't a dodgy one. If you could agree on a contract with him (being in Germany) that would be great I think.
    How does that affect us all paying the MwSt (VAT) or not?
    Does there have to be an order from a company? (smoov).


    • Originally posted by topaz View Post
      i'd prefer to go the burton route if that was possible
      Well they are a sponsor here and Andy seemed to think it wouldn't be a problem when I spoke to him, although did mention about running a line off when he gets a Burton batch done.


      • i would be willing too to pay alittle up front!
        Too old of a cat 🐱 to be f--ked by a kitten


        • I'm happy to pay a percentage up front


          • Still want one and will pay a deposit up front especially if Jamie can sort a contract out with the seller.
            CheeRS Neil


            • happy to pay all monies to taffr up front and then leave taffr to pay a part deposit, that way Taffr knows he is not going to get left to find monies, ditto with the Germans



              • Originally posted by graham John View Post
                happy to pay all monies to taffr up front and then leave taffr to pay a part deposit, that way Taffr knows he is not going to get left to find monies, ditto with the Germans



                • Originally posted by graham John View Post
                  happy to pay all monies to taffr up front and then leave taffr to pay a part deposit, that way Taffr knows he is not going to get left to find monies, ditto with the Germans

                  Me also. Then all money is ready to be transferred when the covers are ready.


                  • Originally posted by graham John View Post
                    happy to pay all monies to taffr up front and then leave taffr to pay a part deposit, that way Taffr knows he is not going to get left to find monies, ditto with the Germans

                    And me



                    • yep good idea all money to taff
                      Too old of a cat 🐱 to be f--ked by a kitten


                      • i am willing to pay up front as well


                        • Update:

                          had a long telephone-conversation with Herr Schulze this afternoon.
                          Discussed three items with him:
                          1) with a normal price of 150 euro, the quote of 130,90 each for a group-buy of 50 items is only 13% discount.
                          He said that this was the absolute minimum price as they didn't make a great profit on the covers in the first place. I think the 130,90 euro is a very good price for the camcover. Its not a painted cover but they put a special petrol and oil-resistent coating on it (in black or blue).
                          2) the postage of 393 euro to me is high, as posting all the covers with the "Hermes" company is alot cheaper.
                          After some discussion we agreed on him making 3 new quotes for the postage:
                          - all covers posted with Hermes to me (Holland).
                          - all covers posted with Hermes to rwdrs (Germany).
                          - all covers except mine and rwdrs (and maybe some other foreigners) posted with Hermes to 1 address in the UK (taffr).
                          Added to that would be the cost of boxes, tape, bubblewrap etc. which I said was okay.
                          3) the payment of 50% up front: I asked him if that could be reduced to say 33,3% of the total price. After some discussion he sort of agreed.

                          Rwdrs: can you calculate what the postage with Hermes would be for all the 3 options above? Say in each box there will be 6 covers, package weight upto 25 kg.

                          Taffr: what's the postagecost of sending 1, 2 or 3 camcovers inside the UK?

                          Smoov: can you make an order for all camcovers, with taffr as deliveryaddress in the UK, so that we all do not have to pay VAT?
                          (can someone explain how that works please?)

                          After we get all the sums done I would suggest all people who want a camcover (I can put the complete list on here again and you can mark your 'order' as agreed) take the chequebook out and write a cheque (or cash or paypal) to taffr for the total amount plus maybe a slight margin for changing in exchangerates.

                          If smoov can order the lot through his company, he could write/print a contract which I (or rwdrs) can translate into German and have it signed by both parties. In the mean time taffr can send over 33,3% of the total price to the seller.
                          After the camcovers are ready, seller will send one as a proof to check to ? (rwdrs maybe as he needs one anyway that's not in the bulk going to the UK). After the ok taffr will send rest of money to seller and he will post the lot to taffr (and mine to me).

                          We also discussed some other options like legal contracts (lawyer approved) and intermediates (lawyers again) for the money but this would only cost alot more so that's not an option we both agreed.

                          Comments? Anything missing?


                          • well done Leon, it all sounds just the job, it would be great if we could get out of paying the tax


                            • nice one well lets get money sorted and oder placed!
                              Too old of a cat 🐱 to be f--ked by a kitten


                              • Guys, if we're paying taffr by paypal we need to cover the charges. or he'll end up well out of pocket.

