has anybody seen or heard from seammc,docscars or graceloc these three wise men where last seen in the early hours of this morning 4am leaving dungiven in the direction of larne harbour with range rover with shuttle. wander what they are up too
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.
tim that was my first though but then i recieved some onfo that they where traveling on the A1/M1 towards Harrich docks!!!! wander if they're really lost this time.was sent these pictures one of them looks worried? wander what they are up to that boat goes where????
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.
I don't think beige was the colour they had in mind.. But defo on a mission, just recieved a call from the 3 wise men, there heading to do some X-mas shopping in far away lands????