I did my daily garage door opening thing yesterday and noticed the airchamber wasn,t bulging as it normally does, on closer inspection, it appears one of the fans has packed up. I rang Airflow and to my surprise they told me there was a batch a year or so ago that was dodgy, so he said he would send me out a pair FOC
. I dont know if any of you guys have experienced the same ?? speak to Rob, he,ll sort you out. Very happy. Anyway, we then got talking about classic cars etc etc and spoke about the NEC this year, he,s asked me would i like to display Worthers on their stand
, as i dont know if anyone is having a display ive said i,ll let him know next week, the only problem is, if Worthers is inside an airchamber for the three days, none will see it
i,ll have to have the car half in, half out
does anyone know about an RS stand
