Had a great weekend! Me and rick took the wives on sat
(Still sends a shudder down my spine when i say that).I was in the rs2 rick in the mk1.Thanks to rs stand. Drove home sat night.Sunday,did the 1hr journey(tom-tom) In 34 mins,over the tops.Fcuk me it was sweet. Still haven't got the trust in the mk1,2's rick has,struggled to keep up in places!(He was on gravel tyres,nutter!),still ragged the rs off it though.Highlighted a few niggles to sort over winter(Around again already).Big shout out to the boys that made it.Will defo be there again next year if its on! Highlight off w/end was trip around stage at end.Some crackin sideways stuff from me ,rick and frosty and couple of others off rs stand(pushed my exhaust onto prop which made for a rattly ride home,flat out of course!
Some quality brass hinge for the boys to check out aswell
,crackin weekend allround!
