I would like to welcome 'bigboy' to the site, sure the old timers will recognise him by his I.D , all we need to do now is get him back into a MK2 .................
I've got a lovely Mk2 for you Mate, you know where I am
Told him on Sunday to get yours bought Rob, then I passed on the link to this site , lo and behold he has registered . Cost of a new scooby motor will see him back in a MK2 ..........
Told him on Sunday to get yours bought Rob, then I passed on the link to this site , lo and behold he has registered . Cost of a new scooby motor will see him back in a MK2 ..........
Moggie round the Lakes 2008
I mentioned the Lakes Tour to Andy, he groaned a bit here and there - groans of missed pleasure I think, either that or he shot his bolt