Ban them that dont post ! just the daily watchers, theres plenty of them come on here take info pictures and god know what else, for sale items is another but add nothing to the group !!!!!
I had a lovely RS stolen in 1987 by some crapsters, I have been bitten once and that was enough. I am always aware of who may be watching this and try not to give too much away about myself or my friends who are also RS owners. It is difficult not to shout about our cars as we like them so much, but too much information will give these prats ideas.
hope he gets some news on this ,these cars cant be replaced ,gutted for the guy ,one time back in the early 90,s some ****er had a go at my xr2 mk1(40000 miler one owner)with luck the one owner had the old yale deadlocks fitted but as i went to the car there was a ad around 30 waiting for the police as i inspected my damage,"think yourself lucky mate they had my mk2 rs2000 that was parked 2 cars down " why cant they just leave things alone