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Roger Hicks

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  • Roger Hicks

    Dont know if this is the right place or forum to post this, but do any of you knwo who he is and anythign about him?

    Roger is into Road rallying, mainly wins everything he enters, but had gone into stage rallying recently

    results like 4th overall at pembry in a white 4 door escort with a black vinal roof [lol] pinto with splits on agains bmw m3 and subaru is somehting to be psoted i think!

    I have some incar action ill upload and post tomorow if you are intereest anyone?

  • #2
    Told you Jon, get that video posted to me.


    • #3
      is that the famous autovaz of liverpool fame ???????


      • #4
        There was a thread with a few pages about him on the Britishrally forum with a few videos on,i will try and find it
        Proper rallying is done down the lanes!


        • #5
          roger is a legend,always sideways and on forest nobbles on tarmac


          • #6
            there is only one Avtovaz!!! from Liverpool yep!

            i just thought i would mention Roger on here as he is quite some driver it seems at the moment


            His escort is a 4 door mkii its white with black vinal roof, it has brooks pinto on split 48's tran-x clubman box, fully floater with watts linkage.

            Its the proper job really!

            He entered Pembry as i say, he was expected to get maybe into the top 10 but it was raining and there was a lot of standing water about, he managed by being brave and skillful to get 4th overall!

            Went and watched him at Talbenny recently, and right by the service area is a few hairpins, so while sideways, he had his hand out of the window waving at everyone LOL!

            I did a vid of him from the first talbenny i went to, and its some nice action and some incar with him and Llinos Jones!

            Ill upload it, i had forgoten all about posting this thread!

