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Fao : Ex RSOC members

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  • Fao : Ex RSOC members

    Can you please put your name on this thread and a 1 or 2 sentence of your reason/s for not re-joining and if things change would you re-join etc

    I am in "discussion" on the members area of the RSOC BB and what reasons you put will be cut"n"pasted into the RSOC BB thread along with your name

    Please include what car/cars you currently own


  • #2
    reason for not rejoining i have a mk2 mexico and wanted a valuation when i have ask john hughes he has been 'too busy' and not returned phone calls so subsequently when not recieving value for money on being a member no point of paying membership !!!
    also registrar not proactive on marque so not really worthwhile being a member , if changes took place then would look again but would need better value for money
    Last edited by Mex 1t; 14-03-2007, 22:41.


    • #3
      i am a member but do not get much out of the club , they seem to have just ditched the old skool cars , they seem to have forgoten that it is the "RS OWNERS CLUB" , a club for owners of the same marque to get together and drool over the rs brand, but it has gone too far towards the business side of things , i rejoined in october last year with an open mind , but after few years out it has changed for the worse , it should be a club run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts but i don't get that feeling about it all, will i rejoin? who knows , see what 2007 brings


      • #4
        Comments noted - thanx



        • #5
          Did not renew due to the lack of interest for the MK1-2 marques, everything seemed to be geared to the Fizz Bang boys not that I dont like those cars but, its the 70's and early 80's cars which the club was formed on ?

          I own a resto 76 RS2 signal green, and think the club should have people who are interested in the vehicle for which it catered and should again ? with the massive resurgance in the MK1-2's soaring prices and more and more parts becoming available still 30 odd years later


          • #6
            Just a few of my thoughts on this subject.
            At this moment in time I'm not a member of any club, AVO, RSOC, SEOC, non of them.

            The club that was originally set up for Rallye Sport Escorts was the RSOC.
            I fully understand that many more RS models have joined the club during the years,
            but the club was originally created for the Mk1 & 2 RS Escorts.

            So in my eyes these cars should hold a special place in the clubs history & have the support from the club that they deserve.

            I also think that if you own an RS Escort Mk1 or 2 that you should support the club that caters for your car.
            I can understand why people are no longer renewing memberships, it is obvious there is a general feeling that the RS2000/Mexico registrar is not really tuned into the RS Escort scene of today & fails to deliver even a reply to a telephone call or email.

            I think the Old School Escort scene is bigger now than it has ever been.
            So much so that I think the RSOC should have a dedicated Old School committee with a group of registrars from different regions of the country so no single person is overloaded with enquiries for valuations etc.
            Most of these people are talking to one another on a regular basis through various forums via email & over the phone anyway. So they are actively pushing the RS escort scene for the better.
            Wouldn't it make sense as most of them are RSOC members, for them to voice there opinions to the club on ways to move forward with the club rather than without it..??


            • #7
              currently own

              mk1 RS 2000
              Mk1 Mexico
              and hopefully mk2 RS 2000 by end of the week

              I was in the rsoc for about 10 yrs from a 17 yr old with my old mk2 mexico through to a 3dr cossie when I didnt bother renewing, I just thought they had lost there way in my eyes becoming a bit "max power" for me, spose it was the time, but it seemed to be more about big exhausts and wheels, and the latest "whizz bang pop" models

              I would rejoin if I perceived more of an interest in our old kak

              shame really as I wouldnt have dreamed of not being part of "the club" back in the day

              Cheers Glyn


              • #8
                I own 7 RS cars at present :

                RS2000 Mk1 x 1

                RS2000 Mk2 x 4

                Sapphire Cosworth 4x4

                Sierra Cosworth 3 door

                Soon to add another 2 RS2000 Mk2's to the list.

                Previously owned Mk2 Mexico (for 8 years) and S2 90 spec RS Turbo.

                I currently see no benefit in being a member of the RSOC, and last year, for the first time in over 10 years, did not attend ANY RSOC shows, including national day.

                The current situation in the RSOC regarding the Mk2 registrar and his lack of reasonable valuations is very poor indeed :As the so-called Marque specialist/representative he should be able to offfer up to date prices on these rapidly appreciating cars, and the comments in Rallye News regarding Mk2 Mexico prices have certainly shown that he is not "on the ball" when it comes to pricing.

                Change needs to happen, and happen quickly, as I for one will not be re-joining until the situation is remedied.
                Cheers Rob.



                • #9
                  I know it says Ex members but I am a current member and will remain so till either the club folds or i lose interest in the marque completely. (highly unlikely as it;s in my blood) But I am unhappy at the current state of the club . The club was formed due to our cars back in 1980 and a lot of the Committee are still old skool people at heart still owning these cars so I can't really understand the lack of interest in these cars from the club as a whole. There are many excellent Registrars/ members out there with a lot of genuine passion. But as for the marque being represented I feel let down. I, personally don't have a problem with JH as he has always had good communication with myself but I must agree that his valuation of my car was way off the mark that led me to seek an alternative. His involvment also is somewhat lacking only attending as far as I am aware Cumbria and National day shows in 2006.
                  The Lakes Tour is the best thing to happen in a very long time and as a registrar I personally think he should be involved with this at some level. Attending at the very least.
                  For the Cars to gain more interest within the RSOC the ideal registrar should be pro-active and in regular contact with its members as to what is actually going on in the real world therefore gaining the respect that a registrar should have from the clubs members.
                  Even if he was to turn over a new leaf and become more involved I, for one think it would be too late as there are so many disgruntled members out there that just want a change asap.
                  The RSOC was once the greatest car club in the world. lets get it back that way.
                  Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                  CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                  • #10
                    I too am currently still a member and have been for 10 years plus, but for how much longer? I own 2 RS fords but neither is registered with the club. The insurance I was quoted was way off the mark and could not get close pricematching. The magazine has been good the past few issues but was going downhill at one point. It looks like Chris has turned the magazine around for the better as its the only reason I am a member. I need to reconsider what I am getting for my money as a member before I renew but it looks like I will be letting it lapse. The RSOC Bulletin Board is a joke and full of clowns.

                    I have recently joined the Lancer Register (for EVO's) and I am also a member of the Capri Club. Both clubs seem professionally ran and good value even though I dont own the cars.
                    Last edited by topaz; 15-03-2007, 12:18.

                    Nutty Professor


                    • #11
                      I have been a member of the RSOC for nearly 20 years and will remain so , why , because I live in hope that things will change and the club will return to its roots and once again become a members club as opposed to a buisness. I would rather see a smaller club of a dedicated hardcore than an open doors free for all , I think emphasis needs to be returned to the older models and remanufacture needs a kick up the ars . It is embarresing at shows such as the NEC when much smaller clubs have remanufactured spares available and the RSOC has thongs and t-shirts , what a waste of money. I don't have thoughts either way on the MK2 registrar but if his motivation has wained surely it is better to step down and let someone else take over, I cannot praise the 16i reg' highly enough, responds to questions quickly and politely, takes part daily on the BB and even supplies spares out of his own stash.

                      I think the club can recover but it certainly needs pointing in the right direction and possibly some new recruits at certain levels.
                      Last edited by RUDDY; 15-03-2007, 12:28. Reason: spelling !


                      • #12
                        I am new to the scene. I found the rsoc web site fairly early on. All though there are some interesting articles and pictures, once looked at there seemed nothing new. The forum and club as a whole seems to be geared to newer RS's, although these are nice cars they don't hold my interest as much. aLSo seems a bit max power. The impression i got was, we continue to put up with old school as they were the begining but we have moved on. Seems very max power bufty..

                        Sorry if this anoys someone but this is a newbies impression.

                        If life is like a box of chocolates, how come i still have to go to work.

                        CheeRS Si

